Solanke Lekan
9 min readNov 16, 2020


Personal thoughts…


Almost as if each year comes with different kinds of challenges, situations in the capacity of humanity to face and conquer. Although the journey to victory comes also with certain price and sacrifices to be made (not the evil voodoo kind of sacrifices) from loss of lives and properties, crash in economic growth and development, unforeseen circumstances that perhaps only the religious leaders and economic experts got insights, series of ad hoc strategic committees all over the world, a lot of inconveniences all in place to usher in the evolution of what we presume to be the next phase of civilisation and barbarism.

Yes! barbarism should also be considered in the top seats of decision making. For long the world established a society for the civilised and well mannered but may have neglected those who do not have a mutual perspective of the world being civilised and while we created more norms, more rules, more laws and precise conditioning of the way things should be, those at the mercy of the crumbs that fall out of civilisation has been left with hardened hearts, brutalised by the security forces of the elite social class, left in the streets, under bridges, left to face their impoverished not-of-their-own-making life and just survive. Sociology may have theoretically given us the social classes which may differ from region to region but there is one below the lower class which make up majority of the thugs and underground criminal syndicate — barbarians or as I like to call them, “the uncultured/ brutish”.

Hold your thoughts from this abstract, I will be back with more on them.

Money-centric Era

While I look onward to believing that the world is evolving into a better one, I have my dark doubts within which spits a lot of disgust.

There was once an era where farming was done to provide basically for one’s own family also known then as the subsistent farming. The farmer worked hard enough on his (“his” because history didn’t speak much on female farmers but lets agree here and now that in the context of my usage of his, i am referring both to the male and female gender) farmland together with his family to feed themselves and survive each passing year. Then came yet another time where farmers didn’t have what some of their neighbours had such as animals, some rare kind of crops the farmer probably wasn’t planting as at that time, etc but yet again came another system to co-habit together in a free God-given planet. This system was referred to as the “trade by barter system”.
I could have imagined the chiefs/ rulers of each tribe/ town then all sat together in a cold night under the open skies and discussed a way appealing to everyone and *Gbam* came the TBB. Give what you have in exchange of what you need. This systems came with peace for all men. Then came civilisation and industrialisation and the money/ currency factor. Work and sell what you have worked for in exchange for currency that would get you whatever it is you needed. People bought themselves donkeys, horses, farm tools, clothes, shoes, bag, houses, cars, jets, jewelries, luxuries, island, mountains, countries, continents, planets, if possible the galaxy very soon (okay by now you know we are in the 20's).

At a time, it was easy for many to transit from the subsistent way to the commercial and industrial system of livelihood and even so, there exist amongst us those who couldn’t comprehend the need to exchange goods for goods, services for services talk more of commercialisation, industrialisation and the current technological advancement. They looked in amusement as the world evolved in time, rocks covered their tattered roads, metalled roadways, rails and like magic, objects began flying in the skies with people in them. Basic necessities became outrageously expensive as the year changed. The elites and economic experts called it GDP, economic growth & development, but that doesn’t make any sense to the brutish.

Let’s speak in more understandable facts, shall we? (😌) The purpose of existence for each creation from God differ, and while each (rain, sunlight, animals, habitable atmosphere, fruits and crops) are given unto us without cost or value, we on the other hand in our supreme intellectual positions and rulers of all that the sweet, gentle and loving God has given to us decided to place value on the free gifts of nature 😭. No problems at all, as we all know that the amount of sense and intellect keeps increasing on earth and we can’t have too many 1000+ IQ students in a class (Fight must break out sha).

Despair and nothing less


So, here we are with the value of everything regarded as basic necessities (food, clothes, shelter) at high cost and all i could think of is why a bag of rice in Nigeria back then in the 90’s at #7,500 — #10,000 will rocket up to #30,000 — #31,000 in the year 2020? Trust me, if I had the time to list in comparison, the prices of essentials between 1990 and 2020, I bet you will regard yourself as a wealthy man (even now if you had onions as of November 2020, you are a wealthy man).

I used to believe that being a human is one in a billion possible impossibilities and you should live peaceful and happy but it has occurred to me now that I may have been born in another dimension of planet earth. Value is now placed on unnecessary luxuries causing the basic essential’s pricing to shoot upward like some space X project and crashing down still faced upward. Many consider their appearances to mean much to them than others do and this pressure has pushed many into bankruptcy. The showbiz lifestyle of trying to wear the latest and most expensive shit in town, riding the most of it and showing it all off in the faces of the silent barbarians who in time are proving to be extreme living vikings.

Love is not spared at all from this evolving trend. The conditions to getting true love, having a good time (under the tree sometimes back), seeing each other, and considering marriage are all being considered by the amount a man and woman has in possession.
“He must be a millionaire or nothing less.”
“She must be from Otedola’s family or nothing less.”
“He/ She must be a tech guy (they have mad money).” — 😑

I have an article on “Emotional spectrum” but it’s still in my draft guys. Please anticipate.

Friendship nowadays comes with financial evaluation. People now chose and roll with friends that fit into the wealthy lifestyle they want to keep.
- They stalk your appearance, see your style, and can determine on the spot that she/he is comfortably rich or has potential to be rich. Those that didn’t look it initially perhaps because of their background, where they live, their appearances and the likes, who now are making it in life somehow are those they want to roll with now. 🙂
- Appreciation post for that guy that looks rich online only whereas, that your not-there-yet friend has never made it to any appreciation tweet from you. Never!
- Giving preference to those whose parent has the connection.
The list is endless but the message is the same — roll with those who are looking it not some scrappy self acclaimed bright futuristic individuals who don’t look it at all. Even the Tides change you know.

I almost wanna say some religious body unconsciously make money a determiner of their preferences, how and who they place respect on amongst their congregation/ assembly, the kind of regard they dispose at people and those minor faint traits that clearly differentiates the kinds of social classes of people in their congregation. The same goes for the followers/ believers who become picky on where to attend based on their “class” level.
- Is there Ac in that church?
- What calibre of people worship there?
There! you are already completing this story with the other instances i could not list out. Either you are the guilty one here or you just happen to know this from friends.

Obliviously, money is shaping how we see the world, how we relate with our fellow humans, how we come to terms with decisions favourable to our own selfish reasons. The desire to accumulate more wealth in order to fill in an ego that can’t be satisfied completely, the need to prove to others that you are more than what they think you are, the need to keep up with that lifestyle, the need to show the world that you are among the knowing class and the privileged to own certain assets, luxuries and artefacts that you don’t exactly need but the system says you are recognised all over if you do possess them. We see how the rich clearly overrides the poor in inhumane ways. Eating the fat of the harvest from the poor and throwing back pile of shit for them to eat. Anyone who rises in oppositions of this ideology of the wealthy and well known faces death.

Gradually we are building soldiers of barbarism, those of the less privilege who strive and work relentlessly to survive but tossed away by the cruel egotism of certain elites. Money which was originally initiated as a means of exchange has become a fuel for all forms of evil. Fuelling power (especially politically), fuelling terrorism, hiring of hoodlums, etc. Money in the wrong hands and mind fuels their heart to power drunkenness. That video of a local government chairman from Adamawa who displayed a bit of what this drunkenness can cause by dehumanising a citizen in the presence of an officer of the law.

Idi Aminu: Adamawa LG Chairman slaps and curses a road side mechanic in front of a security officer

The video of a Nigerian senator who assaulted and battered a woman in a sex toy store shows another level of tyranny and drunkenness money can lead men to:

Senator Ishaku Elisha Abbo slaps a woman in a sex toy store

Ever wondered why the police officers present at both scenes who are sworn to protect the lives and property of the citizens stood in doltishness? It’s simple: He that has the money, has the power and he that has power, controls those at the mercies of having little or none at all. I am sure you know what this means.

Now that I have given thought on this, it’s not the nature of money that is changing but rather the nature of the men who have longed for it the most. Starved from comfort and basic essentials they need to survive, those who don’t have money will be pressured to doing so many insane things to live on. Robbery, kidnapping, join secret groups, make themselves available for hire from those who have money to eliminate their oppositions, terrorism, etc. The threat this poses to the world may not be felt now until when the less privilege rises all over the world to overthrow the elites system, civilisation will become a mess if care isn’t taken.

To my friends, readers and followers on this platform who have a sense of hope for a better world and seek to prevent what I fear may cause a global war, lets starts by building a family that has a better thinking culture. One filled with kindness, love and hope by so doing, we build a better community, a better capital, a better state, a better country, a better world for all. A simple act of kindness will go a long way.

  • Provide the basic essentials where you can for those less privilege.
  • Create, share and provide jobs for them. A win for one is a win for all.
  • The change you wish to see begins with you.

Don’t permit the desires to fill up your ego and satisfaction lead you to becoming a monster all in the chase for money. This may also not mean much to you cause you have been pressured long before now to make it in life and hustle and strive etc.

I wish you happiness and all the joy you deserve.

Hopefully, my next write up on “Emotional Spectrum should be out soon.
Thanks for taking your time to read my thoughts. ❣️



Solanke Lekan
Solanke Lekan

Written by Solanke Lekan

Hi there, You got all the way here cause something caught your interest. Whatever it is, I am here to find out with you. My words are born from thoughts.

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